Conference ASAI: Third millennium Africas in the global world. Challenges, reconfigurations, and opportunities



The Association for African Studies in Italy (ASAI) is pleased to announce the opening of the Call for Papers for its VI Biennial Conference Third Millennium Africas in the Global World. Challenges, Reconfigurations and Opportunities, to be held June 29-July 1, 2022 at the University of Urbino Carlo Bo. The call for papers opens on February 1 and closes on March 3, 2022.

Those who wish to submit a proposal should write directly to the panel coordinators by sending them a form - downloadable from the website - with name(s) and affiliations of the proposers of paper; title of proposed paper; abstract (maximum 300 words); panel in which the paper is proposed. You may select a maximum of two panels to which you will submit your proposal.

Abstracts must be submitted in the reference language of each panel (English, Italian, Italian/English). To download the form connect to the page "ASAI Conferences".