Launch of public consultation EU-AU Innovation agenda



The working document of the AU-EU Innovation Agenda (IA) is now accessible online on the AU-EU HLPD webpage, in the Meetings section, under the paragraph dedicated to the “7th Senior Officials meeting of the AU-EU HLPD for Science, Technology and Innovation 27 January 2022”.

There you will also find a copy of the presentation on the IA, which was delivered by Mr Lukovi Seke and Mr Jens Hoegel during the last HLPD meeting and the report on the “mapping” of projects pertaining to the EU-AU R&I partnership on FNSSA, aiming to identify the most promising research projects from a socio-economic development and innovation standpoint and to document the specific needs that should be addressed for such projects to turn into tangible business and development opportunities.

The public consultation on the AU-EU Innovation Agenda was launched during the online workshop “The AU-EU Innovation Agenda for building stronger value chains for sustainable growth and decent jobs” (which occurred yesterday between 2:30 and pm 3:15 CET), as part of the 7th EU-Africa Business Forum (EABF22). Please find below the link to the online survey for the public consultation, with a copy of the working document of the Innovation Agenda being also accessible therein (after the Introductory Paragraph, for respondents’ ease of us):

The working document of the Innovation Agenda is used as the basis for the public consultation, the final version of the Innovation Agenda is only expected to be approved in the first half of 2023.