Lecture - Monster: Other/Alternative



Lecture: Monster: Other/Alternative


Internationalisation@Home initiative organised by Inge Brinkman (African Studies, Ghent University), Harold George (Dunia Dance Theatre, Brussels), and AfriKera Arts Trust (Harare)


Monster: Other/alternative

This project focuses on monsters as a way to understand ourselves and others, our norms, choices and boundaries, and processes of categorisation.



- Lecture: “Monster: Other/Alternative” by Inge Brinkman

Tuesday 1 March 13:00-15:45

@ Blandijn 0.2, Blandijn 1, 9000 Gent (following through live-stream: possible)


- Workshop I: with Harold George & AfriKera Arts Trust

Monday 7 March 16:00-19:00

@ Vooruit Gent, Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 23, 9000 Gent


Workshop II (+ small public performance): with Harold George & AfriKera Arts Trust

Wednesday 9 March 16:00-19:00

@ Vooruit Gent, Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 23, 9000 Gent


Register through: UGent - eventman