PhD defence of Cecilia Ngonyo Wanjau (Faculty of Bioscience Engineering)



Plant-parasitic nematodes of finger millet (Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaern.) in Kenya, and their management by enhancing plant defense


PhD candidate: Wanjau, Cecilia Ngonyo 

Supervisors: Prof. dr. Godelieve Gheysen (Promotor admin), BW25 - Prof. dr. Wim Bert (Promoter), WE11 - Prof. dr. Peter Wafula Masinde (Promoter), Meru University of Science and Technology, Kenia



Date: Thursdau 26 September 2024, 17:00

Location: Auditorium 8, Campus Ledeganck, Ledeganckstraat 1, 9000 Ghent