Efficacy of selected processing techniques in mitigating mycotoxin contamination of maize and sorghum products in sub-Saharan Africa.
PhD candidate: Odukoya, Julianah Olayemi
Supervisors: Prof. dr. Sarah De Saeger, UGent-Bioanalyse - Prof. dr. Marthe De Boevre, UGent-Bioanalyse - Prof. dr. Patrick Berka Njobeh, University of Johannesburg-Department of Biotechnology and Food Technology - Prof. Gabriel Adegoke, University of Ibadan, Nigeria-Department of Biotechnology and Food Technology
This doctoral thesis describes the efficacy of selected processing techniques in mitigating mycotoxin contamination of maize and sorghum products in sub-Saharan Africa. Being a joint doctoral programme, the experiments were carried out at the University of Johannesburg, South Africa, and Ghent University, Belgium. The thesis consists of seven chapters - the general introduction (Chapter One), five development chapters which explain the different experiments carried out (Chapter Two to Six) as well as the general conclusions and recommendations (Chapter 7). The introductory chapter provides the research background, problem statement, hypotheses, aim and objectives of the study, including a sound review of literature. The different types of mycotoxins and processing techniques, particularly those related to the doctoral study, are discussed in this chapter. Chapter Two, the first development chapter, describes the effect of traditionally used natural fermentation procedures on mycotoxins reduction and metabolites profile of ogi. It also explains the use of UHPLC-MS/MS and GC-HR-TOF-MS for mycotoxins and metabolites profiles determination, respectively. In Chapter Three, the effect of traditional dehulling on maize and fermented maize products is discussed. The investigation also provides results on the pH, total titratable acidity, and microbial counts of the processed fermented maize. Chapter Four and Five reveal the impact of five nixtamalization cooking ingredients on the mycotoxins and minerals contents of the studied cereals (maize and sorghum) during nixtamalization. The last development chapter, Chapter Six, illustrates the outcome of the experiment involving the application of ammoniation in mitigating mycotoxins contamination in maize used for animal feed production. Finally, the last chapter of the thesis (Chapter Seven) gives the summary of key research findings, contributions to knowledge, and recommendations.