PhD defence Nell Foster (Faculty of Arts and Philosophy)



We shouldn’t stay in our little bubble…we need to go and swim a bit in other bubbles. An exploration of the theoretical, pedagogical and social dimensions of Functional Multilingual Learning in a Brussels primary school


PhD candidate: Foster, Eleanor

Supervisor(s): Prof. dr. Piet Van Avermaet, LW06 - Prof. dr. Nathalie Auger, Université de Montpellier, Frankrijk - Prof. dr. Zannie Bock, University of the Western Cape, Zuid-Afrika - Prof. dr. Robyn Tyler, University of the Western Cape, Zuid-Afrika



Date: Monday 18 September 2023, 14:00

Location: Auditorium Vandenhove (Paviljoen Charles Vandenhove), Rozier 1, 9000 Ghent


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