Public lecture: Damming Mutirikwi: Planning, perception and imagination in late Colonial Rhodesia


The first session of the Affect and Materiality doctoral schools course with Prof. Joost Fontein will take place on Thursday 8th November. It consists of two parts: 
(1) 10:00-12:30: a masterclass entitled "Bones, bodies and human substances: Towards an understanding of the politics of human corporeality" 
(2) 14:00-16:00: a public lecture entitled "Damming Mutirikwi: Planning, perception and imagination in late Colonial Rhodesia" (with Dr. Katrien Pype as respondent)

Both events will take place at the ​Faculty Room, Campus Boekentoren, Blandijnberg 2, 9000 Gent.
Participation in both lecture and masterclass is mandatory for those of you who want to receive the doctoral schools certificate.
We are looking forward to meeting you all. 
Best regards, 
the CARAM team