Tropentag 2017 will take place at the University of Bonn (Bonn, Germany), September 20 - 22, 2017.
The call for papers and preliminary conference information is now available at:
The deadline for submission of abstract(s) is April 15, 2017. Online form for abstracts see at:
This year AGRINATURA will like the previous year grant 8 students from AGRINATURA members’ institutions (excluding BONN, but including UGent)with a travel grant of EUR 300. Students are challenged to submit their abstract to the Tropentag till April 15 and also to send the same abstract and request of travel grant to AGRINATURA Secretariat to email: till May 1st, 2017. As soon as the abstract will be accepted by Tropentag 2017 Conference committee, AGRINATURA selection committee will select 8 students who will receive the travel grant.
For more information about the travel grants please visit our Agrinatura website here.