Invitation: Research in Times of Crisis: Knowledge Production Amid Global Disruptions
Time and Location: Wednesday 23 oct 2024 - 10:00-12:15 - lokaal 1.13, technicum, T2, 9000 Gent
Professor Dr. David Mwambari is an associate professor in the Faculty of Social Sciences at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in Belgium and the principal investigator for the European Research Council (ERC)-funded TMSS project. He is a core faculty and a board member at the Oxford Consortium on Human Rights, University of Oxford.
Description: Knowledge is as much about discovery as it is about construction. This workshop invites early-career scholars and others who are interested in this topic to critically examine the underlying frameworks that shape our understanding of the world. Through an interactive session, we aim to unpack the politics embedded in the processes of knowledge production within interdisciplinary research, to challenge conventional epistemologies and explore alternative methodologies. We will explore questions that touch on conducting qualitative research at a distance (online) and on navigating sensitive contexts and topics. This workshop further seeks to provide a space for participants to critically reflect on their research practices, question existing power dynamics, and imagine new possibilities for generating knowledge, beyond the “qualitative” framework.
Pre-Reading Requirement (Articles available upon request - email
Registration required:
Warm wishes,
Anissa & Amina