DeSIRA Development of Smart Innovation through Research in Agriculture - Agroforestry Rwanda

February 2020 to January 2025
tree resources
local farmers
rural livelihoods
University of Rwanda (Rwanda)
Research fields
Agriculture and Food Sciences

Agroforestry Rwanda : Improving resilience of farmers’ livelihoods to climate change through innovative, research proven climate-smart agroforestry and efficient use of tree resources in the Eastern Province and peri-urban areas of Kigali city


The general objective is to increase the pace and scale of agroforestry-based restoration of degraded agricultural lands and sustainable use of biomass energy, with associated improvements of land health, livelihoods and poverty reduction. The specific objective is to effectively understand and demonstrate the ecological, social and economic pathways to, and resultant benefits from, the scale up of agroforestry-based restoration and sustainable biomass use in Eastern Province and in the  peri-urban Kigali city of Rwanda.

Implementing organizations

The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and the Belgian Development Agency (ENABEL) in Rwanda


Eastern Province of Rwanda (7 districts) and peri-urban areas of Kigali City.