Enhancing nutritious food availability through promotion of native edible tree/shrub species in Sub-Saharan Africa (TREEFOOD)

January 2017 to December 2017
food security
native edible trees/shrubs
innovation platform
Sub-Saharan Africa
Centre Régional de Recherche Agronomique/Institut d’Economie Rurale (Mali)
Institute for training and research on life and earth sciences/University Ouaga (Burkina Faso)
University of Abomey-Calavi (Benin)
Institut de Recherche Agronomique de Niamey (Niger)
Aarhus University (Denmark)
Research fields
Agriculture and Food Sciences

The project aims at supporting so-called farmer-led innovation platforms in improving collection, production, processing and marketing of products from edible tree/shrub species, whereas field schools will be established to disseminate technologies. This holistic approach will allow the sustainable development, use and conservation of a number of local tree species occurring in the different agro-ecological zones. Additionally, preservation and improvement of the ecosystem services they provide will ensure/improve the livelihoods of rural communities.


The involved countries have experiences political conflicts over the last decade, but the study areas will be located in the safest areas of the countries and the fieldwork will mainly be conducted by local partners, who are less exposed to these political conflicts than the European partners.